中央电视台(China Central Television,简称CCTV)是中国最大的国家级电视台,也是全球最大的电视网之一。作为中国的国家级媒体机构,CCTV拥有一系列高水平的舞台,为各种类型的节目提供了展示平台。CCTV聚集了众多优秀的艺术家,涵盖了各个领域,包括音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、话剧、电影、绘画、书法、摄影等等。这些艺术家中既有老一辈的大师级人物,也有新生代的活跃分子,他们的作品和表演在国内外都享有很高的声誉。在CCTV的舞台上,艺术家们有机会展示他们的才华,向观众展示他们的创作成果和表演技艺。CCTV的节目涵盖了各种各样的内容,包括音乐会、舞蹈表演、话剧演出、艺术展览、文化讲座等,为观众提供了丰富多彩的文化娱乐体验。
About CCTV
China Central Television (CCTV) is the largest national television network in China and one of the largest television networks globally. As a state-level media organization, CCTV boasts a range of high-level stages, providing platforms for various types of programs. CCTV attracts numerous outstanding artists from various fields, including music, dance, drama, film, painting, calligraphy, photography, and more. These artists include both veteran masters and emerging talents, whose works and performances are highly acclaimed both domestically and internationally. On the stages of CCTV, artists have the opportunity to showcase their talents and present their creative achievements and performance skills to audiences. CCTV’s programs cover a wide range of content, including concerts, dance performances, theatrical productions, art exhibitions, cultural lectures, and more, providing audiences with a rich and diverse cultural entertainment experience.
“中央电视台影视城全国少儿艺术人才选拔活动” 前身是 “CCTV 少儿艺术电视大赛”。自 2000 年创办迄今,已经成功举办了 20 届,拥有 30 多个省、市、自治区的覆盖范围,150 多个城市的电视台、青少年宫和艺术培训中 心的固定参赛单位,5000 所稳定合作机构,300 万人群 的影响范围,9000 余次线下海选活动,在国内极具影响力,是央视少儿频道大风车少儿艺术团旗下的的国家级少儿赛事, 同时也是国内举办时间较长的儿童才艺选拔活动。
A high-level competition
“The National Children’s Art Talent Selection Event at the CCTV Television City” was formerly known as the “CCTV Children’s Art Television Competition.” Since its establishment in 2000, it has successfully held 20 sessions. With a coverage spanning over 30 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions, it involves fixed participating units from over 150 cities, including television stations, youth palaces, and art training centers. It has established partnerships with 5000 stable cooperating organizations, impacting a population of 3 million. With over 9000 offline selection activities, it holds significant influence domestically. It is a nationally renowned children’s event under the CCTV Children’s Channel’s Da Feng Che Children’s Art Troupe and is also one of the longest-running children’s talent selection events in China.

The judging panel comprises a stellar lineup of esteemed individuals from various fields of the entertainment industry. Renowned directors, experienced hosts, accomplished musicians, and other experts bring their wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. These distinguished professionals offer valuable insights and critical judgment to ensure the fair evaluation and recognition of talent during the competition. Their collective experience and discerning eye contribute to the success and prestige of the event, making it a highly anticipated and respected platform for aspiring artists.

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